In the video Chris Cook, from 3M Commercial Graphics Australia, explains why, where, and how to use 3M Edge Sealer 3950 - after car wrapping with self-adhesive film.
The most common use of this product is to seal the edges during wrapping vehicles with self-adhesive car wrap films. There are parts on the vehicle, that can easily contain dirt, mud, and other hard particles.

Why to use 3M Edge Sealer?
- in order to prevent unwrapping the film

Where to use it?
The product Edge Sealer is most commonly used for sealing hard-to-reach spots. These spots are:
- the zone under the fuel tank lid
There, the film can easily be lifted from the surface in case of gas leaks.
- under the car fenders
This spot is extremely vulnerable, because the tires of the movement of the tires and the dust and other hard particles they extract.
- edges
Some people use Edge Sealer on all edges of the vehicle.

How to use 3M Edge Sealer?
Easy and fast – place the half of it over the film, and the other half over the surface. After 30 min you will see a thin layer forming, this layer will seal the entire edge and will prevent the film from unwrapping.
- use a regular painting brush 0,6 cm.
- one half place on the film, the other over the surface.
- minimum temperature range during application: 10° – 38° C