SOTT Deep Cleaning Clay
It is a common myth that our car is clean after washing, even with detergent. Bird droppings, tree sap, tar, road grime, and debris attack the paint and penetrate its open structure. Then a thorough cleaning is necessary.
SOTT Deep Cleaning Clay dissolves stubborn dirt, something that degreasers and cleaners cannot do.
When viewed under a microscope, the car paint has an open structure into which dirt can penetrate. This cannot be removed with conventional means or even with a steam cleaner. Therefore, SOTT Deep Cleaning Clay is an indispensable product for non-porous surfaces to which the self-adhesive film must adhere well.
SOTT Deep Cleaning Clay is used with water. It is suitable for deep cleaning of car paint, glass, hard plastic, mirrors, and metal.
- Flexible material, easy to work with.
- Cleans deeply by attacking dirt in the open structure of the paint.
- Regular use helps maintain a shinier look for longer.
- Suitable for deep cleaning of car paint, glass, hard plastic, mirrors, and metal.

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