PromaPrint Tape Trans – application tape
Completely transparent and highly reliable application tape. Can be used several times and removed without leaving any residues.
Completely transparent and highly reliable application tape. Can be used several times and removed without leaving any residues.
Slightly satiny aspect film. Suitable on dark and light textiles. Completely compatible with solvent and eco solvent printers. PromaPrint range is easy to cut and print.
Slightly satiny aspect film. Suitable on dark and light textiles. Completely compatible with solvent and eco solvent printers. PromaPrint range is easy to cut and print.
Slightly satiny aspect film. Suitable on dark and light textiles. Completely compatible with solvent and eco solvent printers. PromaPrint range is easy to cut and print.
Slightly satiny aspect film. glow in dark properties. Suitable on dark and light textiles. Completely compatible with solvent and eco solvent printers. PromaPrint range is easy to cut and print.
Reflective textile film, designed for cutting in mirror image through adhesive layer. Silver color, that meets the requirements of European standard EN 471, which allows to deal with official administration and safety work clothing.
Уважаеми клиенти, по независещи от нас причини, временно не приемаме поръчки за плоскости с размери над 100 х 100 см за пратки по куриер. Благодарим за разбирането! Dismiss