3M Scotchcal IJ20-114R gloss overlaminate
Monomeric, calendered, clear film for digital print, suitable for medium-term quality graphics and signs on flat surfaces and promotional graphics on vehicles. Оverlaminate for films IJ20-10 and IJ20-20.
Polymeric, calendared self-adhesive overlaminate for wide range applications. Recommended for medium-term advertising graphics for both indoor and outdoor use.
Monomeric, calendered, clear film for digital print, suitable for medium-term quality graphics and signs on flat surfaces and promotional graphics on vehicles. Оverlaminate for films IJ20-10 and IJ20-20.
Monomeric, calendered clear film for digital print, suitable for medium-term quality graphics and signs on flat surfaces and promotional graphics on vehicles. Оverlaminate for films IJ20-10 and IJ20-20.
Уважаеми клиенти, по независещи от нас причини, временно не приемаме поръчки за плоскости с размери над 100 х 100 см за пратки по куриер. Благодарим за разбирането! Dismiss