3M Scotchcal IJ20-114R gloss overlaminate
Monomeric, calendered, clear film for digital print, suitable for medium-term quality graphics and signs on flat surfaces and promotional graphics on vehicles. Оverlaminate for films IJ20-10 and IJ20-20.
Polymeric, calendared self-adhesive overlaminate for wide range applications. Recommended for medium-term advertising graphics for both indoor and outdoor use.
Monomeric, calendered, clear film for digital print, suitable for medium-term quality graphics and signs on flat surfaces and promotional graphics on vehicles. Оverlaminate for films IJ20-10 and IJ20-20.
Monomeric, calendered clear film for digital print, suitable for medium-term quality graphics and signs on flat surfaces and promotional graphics on vehicles. Оverlaminate for films IJ20-10 and IJ20-20.
Polymeric overlaminate with matte finish. Suitable for flat or slightly curved surfaces. For intermediate or long term use.
Polymeric overlaminate with gloss finish. Suitable for flat or slightly curved surfaces. For intermediate or long term use.
Polymeric, calendered, clear gloss film designed for application on flat and simple curved surfaces. For applications requiring intermediate duration of usage outdoors and indoors: vehicle, signs, windows and interior decorations. Overlaminate for 3M Scotchcal IJ40 Films.
Polymeric, calendered, clear gloss film designed for application on flat and simple curved surfaces. For applications requiring intermediate duration of usage outdoors and indoors: vehicle, signs, windows and interior decorations. Overlaminate for 3M Scotchcal IJ40 Films.
Transparent, polymeric, calendered, self-adhesive for applications on flat or simple curved surfaces. It is used for digital print or as overlaminate for IJ40 and IJ40C films. For applications requiring intermediate duration of usage outdoors and indoors: vehicle, signs, windows and architectural decorations.
Transparent, polymeric, calendered self-adhesive for applications on flat or simple curved surfaces, matte finish. It is used for digital print or as overlaminate for IJ40 and IJ40C films. For applications requiring intermediate duration of usage outdoors and indoors: vehicle, signs, windows and architectural decorations.
Transparent, overlaminate for floor graphics. Outstanding resistance to dirt. Designed for flat floor surfaces, marble, terrazzo, ceramic, and wood.
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